
The Pennsylvania Rheumatology Society offers a variety of opportunities for Fellows in Training including Complimentary Membership during your fellowship, ability to participate in our annual Thieves' Market Poster Competition, and access to the FIT Scholarship program. 

If you are not yet a member, join today by using the button below. 

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FIT Scholarship

In recent years, the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) has had to reduce financial support for its long tradition of providing scholarships for the attendance of rheumatology fellows at the ACR Annual Scientific Meeting and the State of the Art (SOA) Meeting.  

In response, the PRS Board of Directors  has approved a one-time scholarship for  rheumatology fellows enrolled in an ACGME-accredited Pennsylvania Adult or Pediatric Rheumatology Fellowship Program to be used to attend one of the educational opportunities listed below. Nominees and their nominators must be PRS members. Kindly note that in order to receive the funding, recipients must attend the PRS  ASM, including the Friday Education Day.

Once notified of their award, scanned receipts and a completed online PRS FIT Scholarship reimbursement form must be submitted within 30 days of the event to obtain the reimbursement of up to $1,000.

> View Scholarship Guidelines

> FIT Scholarship Nomination

> Scholarship Reimbursement Form

ACR and other events eligible for the FIT Scholarship:

833-770-1549  |  prs@parheumatology.org  |  PO Box 33, Harrisburg PA 17108

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