Welcome to the Pennsylvania Rheumatology Society

The Pennsylvania Rheumatology Society (PRS) was established in 1987 to advance the knowledge of rheumatology and to foster the dissemination of this knowledge through educational endeavors and cooperation with other local and national societies of Rheumatology.

PRS has been working for more than thirty years to support the interests of rheumatologists and their patients in the state by keeping our members up to date on legislative issues impacting rheumatology, and encouraging timely member outreach on local, state and federal levels.

PRS provides significant funding support for training and education of Fellows.  And for all, PRS provides CME opportunities, both in-person and virtual, relevant to the latest research in rheumatology.

Constitution & Bylaws

833-770-1549  |  prs@parheumatology.org  |  PO Box 33, Harrisburg PA 17108

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